The Falls of Iguazú
Iguazu Waterfalls are considered the world largest waterfall system. And it is really impressive!
Bordering Brasil, Argentinía and Paraguay the Iguazu-Falls stretch over 2,7 km and are divided in, depending on the season and amount of water, up to 275 separate falls and cataracts, and are between 60 and 82m high. They have a staircase character, meaning the water flows down over two plateaus.
This picture was taken from the Brazilian side and shows the dimensions of the mayor falls. The island San Martin in the front blocs the view to several waterfalls.
The Brazilian side offers a panoramic view of the falls. On the Argentinian side one can walk on top of the falls and also approach a few of them from a lower level. We toured both sides in two days to get a complete impression. Both side are absolutely worthwhile and I do not have a preference.
In the following I take a systematic approach, mixing photos from both sides to capture waterfalls from different perspectives.
To the right Salto Bosetti and the twin falls Adam and Eve. Next picture Bosseti in close up and from above. You can see the walking bridge on the Argentinian side.
And from the side, in a natural and slightly different shot.
Walking further around the island of San Martin the view opens to the whole chain of waterfalls.
With San Martin in the front. Getting closer to the falls reveals “Salto” (Waterfall) Migbua and Salto San Martin with a rock formation in between. The water from San Martin pours down from the lower level.
Change of perspective and further down the panorama walk on the Brazilian side. View from the left side towards the chain of waterfalls. San Martin to the left.
And now further to the left to the highlight of the falls. It is called “La Garganta del Diablo” (Devil´s – Throat). This canyon is 80-90m wide and 70-80m deep. The river is here the border between the two countries. First pictures from the Brazilian side where a bridge allows views from the river legel into the Canyon. Of course heavy spray blurs view and pictures.
Again change of perspective. This time look down into Devil´s Throat from the top on the Argentinian side. They also constructed long bridges so tourisst can walk up to falls in the middle of the vast river system.
And to close the circle again the panoramic view from the start of the tour, this time in black /white (Leica Monochrom).
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